The complete solution for Charitable Organisations
CharityManager3 assists charities in managing donations and bequests as well as creating a structure for providing grants to individuals and/or families in need.
Donations can be received on-line, by cash, cheque or standing order. The system will email receipts and batch payment for banking purposes.
Grants can be issued by standing order, bank transfer and cheque. Payment can be made directly to the recipient, to the school (in the case of educational grants) or to a 3rd party (such as Bord Gais).
The package is available in single or multi-user versions and has been developed using the latest Microsoft development tools. It is designed to run on Windows 7 or Windows10 desktops, laptops and tablets. The database (SQL) can handle the data requirements of the smallest to the largest charity and integrates directly into Microsoft Office applications. Exported files can be utilised directly by all major accounting suites.
Applicant Profiles
Applicant profiles include full contact details, preferences for email or SMS communication, proposer details, detailed notes and stage indicators. Filters can be applied in order to focus on one distinct group. Changes to the applicant record are identified by time/date stamps and the workstation ID. Individual children can be entered for school attendance. Documents submitted by encrypted PDFs and stored in individual family folders along with any scanned correspondence. Automatic emailing of encrypted application forms to the designated email address followed by SMS password transmission.
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Document Processing
Registration forms are downloaded from the website or emailed to a target audience. Basic details are entered onto the form by the applicant using the free Adobe Acrobat Reader DC. The registration form is automatically encrypted and submitted to a specific email address. The form cannot be submitted until all the entries have been verified as correct. The receiving email address is monitored by office personnel and the registration form is processed directly by the software without manual transcription. If an education grant is involved, the system will query Google Maps to determine the travel distance between the applicant’s residence and the designated school. The system will determine if the registration form is for an existing or new client and will either update existing information or add a new applicant record. The registration form will be automatically stored in the applicant’s electronic file.
Means Testing
Full Means Test processing of application form resulting in an automatic grant recommendation. The completed application form is scanned directly into the system avoiding the necessity of manual transcription. Certain sections of the application form require supporting documentation from the applicant. The list of documents is generated automatically, based on the information within the form. Once processed, the application can be accepted, declined or queried. An email response is produced with standard text and/or free-form entries. Once the application is separately approved, it is marked for subsequent payment.
The system follows the submissions and requests as they are processed within the system. At each stage, a reminder is generated for future transmission. As each applicant response is received, the reminder record is deleted and a new one generated accordingly. If the applicant follows the various submission dates, they will receive no reminder emails, but if a submission date is missed, a reminder email is sent and recorded on the applicant file. Each reminder email is accompanied by a text message, referring the applicant to their email account.
Paper Document Integration
Paper submissions, in support of an application, once accepted are scanned and filed in the applicant’s electronic document store. The previously generated document list provides a prompt for the operator. The original application form includes a return label with a barcode to help with code entry. Documents that are incorrect/incomplete are returned to the applicant, who is advised through the email/SMS process. Barcoded labels are printed and attached to the envelope for filing purposes.